Easy Ways to Relieve Diarrhea

Experiencing diarrhea can disrupt all activities. The constant trips to the bathroom can leave us unable to do anything else. Moreover, diarrhea is often accompanied by painful abdominal cramps and bloating.

In reality, diarrhea can be the body's way of dealing with disruptions in your digestive system. Typically, diarrhea lasts for a few days and resolves on its own. Nevertheless, there are specific methods to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea and prevent disruptions to our daily routines.

Here are some ways to alleviate diarrhea:

1. Hydration

Hydration is crucial when you have diarrhea, as dehydration resulting from it can be fatal. Studies have shown that adults experiencing mild diarrhea can avoid dehydration and reduce symptoms by consuming electrolyte-rich beverages. However, it is essential to avoid alcohol, milk, soda, carbonated, and caffeinated beverages during diarrhea, as they can exacerbate your symptoms. Consuming chicken soup can also help keep your body hydrated.

2. Probiotics

Probiotics are a source of "good" bacteria that work in your gut to create a healthy intestinal environment. They are live microorganisms found in certain foods, including kimchi, kefir, yogurt, and tempeh. Probiotics are also available in powder or pill form. The presence of beneficial bacteria in your intestines plays a critical role in protecting them from infections. Probiotics can aid in combating diarrhea by restoring the balance of bacteria in your gut.

3. Low-Fiber Foods

When experiencing diarrhea, consuming specific low-fiber foods can alleviate the symptoms. These foods should be low in fiber to improve diarrhea symptoms. Examples of such foods include bananas, toast, boiled potatoes, and rice.

Foods to Avoid

During diarrhea, it is essential to avoid certain foods, especially fried and oily foods. These types of food are poorly tolerated by your digestive system. Additionally, you should limit high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables, as they can increase bloating.

Examples of foods to avoid include:

- Leafy green vegetables

- Corn

- Coffee

- Broccoli

- Cabbage

- Bell peppers

- Dairy products

- Peas

- Tea.

Managing diarrhea requires a proactive approach to alleviate symptoms and avoid dehydration. Staying well-hydrated, consuming probiotics, and sticking to low-fiber foods can aid in the relief of diarrhea. Additionally, avoiding certain foods that can worsen the condition is crucial to promote a quicker recovery. If diarrhea persists or becomes severe, seeking medical advice is vital for proper evaluation and treatment.

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